E13: American Citizenshit

Comadreando: No fireworks for the 4th, self care and family
Pop The News: Army discharging immigrants who were promised citizenship, Racist Why guy loses job, Repubs move to strip citizenship from "bad" immigrants, Black female leaders and allies letter to Dem leaders for not standing with Auntie Maxine
What Exactly Do You Meme: #SecondCivilWarLetters
I Hear Ya: San Cha elsancha.bandcamp.com
Clap Back Hear Around The World: Elizabeth Warren gets Cheeto dust on her hand
Opinions…: Queer Eye didn't disrespect their first transgender make-over recipient
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No Ma’am: Native American group profiting from detention centers
Ay Mi Gente: Not all Asians are "Chinos!"
Eso Eso Eso: Indiana landlord evicts church for hateful sign, Indianapolis church cages the Holy Family, Muslim community offers to help immigrant children stripped from their families. facebook.com/QadeerBaksh/videos/10157683970119478/